Temple of Ramesses II

 The Great Temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel
The New Kingdom pharaoh Ramesses II (ruled 1279-1212 BCE) embarked on many monumental building projects including his Great Temple at Abu Simbel in the south of Egypt. The temple was carved out of a hillside next to the Nile and dedicated to the gods Amun, Ptah and Re-Horakhty. However, it was also a tribute to the power and military might of Egypt and the divine pharaoh himself.When the High Dam was built at Aswan, 280 kilometers down-river, the Abu Simbel temples were threatened by the rising water of Lake Nasser. In a remarkable operation organized by UNESCO in the 1960s, the massive temples were cut and rebuilt in an artificial hill on higher ground nearby. 
 photo)Ramesses II built a smaller temple near his own to honor his wife Queen Nefertari and the goddess Hathor. The facade of the Temple is dominated by more statues of Ramesses II and his queen.


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