
Egyptian history is broken down into kingdoms, or periods. These are logical breaks in the dynasties based on archeological periods, architecture, etc. It's probably easier to view the pharaohs either by dynasty or by name, but I've included below links to the major kingdons as a starting point.
From each kingdom page, you can walk through the chronology, dynasty by dynasty or pharaoh by pharaoh, or jump around to see who you are interested in. For a complete list, see the pharaoh index to this site to find a particular pharaoh.
Dynasty Dates
predynastic (naqada) pre 3100 BCE
early dynastic 3100 - 2686 BCE
old kingdom 2686 - 2181 BCE
first intermediate period 2181 - 2025 BCE
middle kingdom 2025 - 1700 BCE
second intermediate period 1700 - 1550 BCE
new kingdom 1550 - 1069 BCE
third intermediate period 1069 - 664 BCE
late kingdom 664 -343 BCE
second persian period 343 - 332 BCE
graeco-roman period 332 BCE - 640 CE
islamic period 640 - 1517
ottoman period 1517 - 1805
khedival period 1805 - 1919
monarchy 1919 - 1953
republic 1953 - today
The dates are the commonly accepted chronology, which has a few competing sequences. Dates for each pharaoh are listed, with alternate dates by differeing egyptologists shown when they exist.



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